By Norbert Chiazor


The beauty of the Peacock is a conspicuous marvel. The wondrous colours of one of Earth’s most amazing creatures are glaring to the human sight and mind.

What can ever sully the radiance of  Senator Prince Ned Nwoko?  

That was my immediate reaction to an online publication by Diopka Ossai Udom, questioning the standing of Senator Nwoko at the National Assembly.

Even with Udom’s pompous self-introduction as “ an opinion leader from Ndokwa/ Ukwuani” he sounded cock and bull. His phantom claim that the Senator has not performed in service is, to say the least impossible.

Following the inauguration of the 10th senate on June 13, 2023, Prince Ned  Nwoko became Senator representing Delta North. 

Robed in the finest of Western education, national visibility, and winsome charisma, Senator Nwoko walked into the red chambers, with a strong armour emblazoned with much clout.

One year as senator, he stands as one of the most colourful ambassadors of good governance in Nigeria.The pride of the PDP. The model of the political class was uncluttered by the partisan cocoon.

Incredible Udom is shouting a "show me" demand of what Ned has done as a senator.

 Whether his holler is attention-seeking or genuine search, here is a free tour for the Doubting Thomas and indeed any Jonny Just Come in the  Senator's journey.

On the roll call of lawmaking, Nwoko ranks among the busiest and most active senators. With 11 motions and about 20 bills, his deep grasp of Nigeria's challenges and clear articulation of solutions are enthralling. 

Some of the outstanding motions are a call to action on Crude Oil Thefts in the Niger Delta, Enforcement of anti-gas flaring regulations, Redress for the Grievous 1967 Asaba Massacre, a Demand for Reparations against Historical Injustice of colonialism, and Ban on the Importation of All Non-essential Goods. Others are Security measures against violent crimes, National Dialogue with separatists and Marginalized Groups in Nigeria, the Upgrade of Federal Medical Centers in Nigeria to International Standards as well as national attention to the Okpai electricity project.

Nwoko’s Bills are among the most quoted in the senate deliberations: 

Bills on the Nigerian Youth Entrepreneurship Grant Programmme, Waste Management and Malaria Eradication Agency.Establishment of the Nigerian Defence Academy in Kwale, Prohibition of the Discriminatory use of Foreign Currency Payment for Remuneration within Nigeria, Diaspora Voting 

One-Month Rent Limitation and Landlord Registry Act, Full Local Government Autonomy, Establishment of Parliamentary System of Government, Personal Firearm Ownership for self-defence and Anioma state creation.

Udom for strange reasons, is uncomfortable with the proposal on Anioma, a bold move his Ndokwa/Ukwuani kindreds and indeed all quarters in Delta North regard with passion. With 50 years of Anioma agitation, what other sign does Ossai require to understand that Senator Nwoko’s quest is a renewed unction of a historical voyage?

Let’s head to another road -infrastructure development. Senator Ned Nwoko under one year attracted 3.4BN projects for Delta North.A big feat for a first-time senator. That he openly declared the value of the projects is a profound lesson in Nigeria where politicians are notorious masters of opaque tendencies.

Embedded in the 2024 appropriation, the projects include Construction of Ogwashi-Ukwu, Ibusa, Onicha Olona/Ezi regional water supply schemes, administrative block for Federal University of Medical and Health Sciences, Kwale, Supply of solar-powered street lights in Ashaka, Asaba and other towns across Delta North, Rehabilitation of Benin/Asaba road, construction of Idumuje Ugboko farm road and completion of the second Niger Bridge bypass, to mention a few. 

In addition to urban and rural infrastructure, several empowerment programmes were successfully initiated by Senator Nwoko for the benefit of the people of Delta North. 

An empowerment scheme was organized on November 25, 2023, to boost entrepreneurial skills

The beneficiaries hailed from all nine local government areas constituting the Delta North senatorial district Each received enlightening lectures and a grant of N150,000 per participant. Another empowerment programme witnessed the lifting of 500 rural dwellers with financial succour.

1,800  beneficiaries from Delta North have been mobilized, under an ambitious grant programme by the office of the senator in collaboration with the federal Ministry of Trade and Investment.

Barely three months ago, over 600 people participated in a farming seminar and social media training at Asaba, both facilitated by the Senator. Each went home with poultry feeds and a cash grant of N100,000.

Moreover, the office of Senator Nwoko has recommended over a hundred people for employment opportunities across various federal sectors.

All these within one year! 

Udom’s song about lack of consultation is like singing to a choir. Ned is a liberal, interesting symphony.

An open book.So easy to read.

Diopka Ossai, will surely heave a sigh of satisfaction after an encounter with the Idumuje Ugboko Prince.